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plant:strawberry [2020/02/26 09:43] – created jfpothierplant:strawberry [2024/12/16 17:00] (current) – [Plant Resistance Genes in Strawberry (//Fragaria vesca// L., //F. ananassa//) against //Xanthomonas// Infection] rkoebnik
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-Strawberry+====== Plant Resistance Genes in Strawberry (//Fragaria vesca// L., //F. ananassa//) against //Xanthomonas// Infection ======
 +Author: [[|Inga Moročko-Bičevska]] ([[|Joël F. Pothier]])\\
 +Internal reviewer: [[|Giusy D'Attoma]]
 +===== Pathogen: //Xanthomonas fragariae// =====
 +==== Resistance gene: FaRXf1 ====
 +=== Synonyms ===
 +=== Source ===
 +Wild accessions US4808 (native //Fragaria virginiana// clone SG-89 from Minesota) and US4809 (hybrid between //F. virginiana// clone SG-26 from Georgia and //F. x ananassa// ‘Earliglow’) (Maas //et al.//, 2002; Hartung //et al.//, 2003; Roach //et al.//, 2016).
 +=== Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) ===
 +QTL mapped on linkage group 6D (Roach //et al.//, 2016).
 +=== Molecular markers ===
 +SNPs (Roach //et al.//, 2016).
 +=== Brief description ===
 +Accessions US4808 and US4809 were identified as resistant to the four genetic clades of //X. fragariae// (Maas //et al.//, 2002; Hartung //et al.//, 2003). Introgression of the trait into commercial quality perennial-type germplasm was initiated by Roach //et al.// (2016). Resistance detected in two wild accessions US4808 and US4809 was found to be highly heritable and controlled by a major locus //FaRXf1// on linkage group 6D (Roach //et al.//, 2016). Annotation of the //FaRXf1// region in //F. vesca// genome revealed the presence of several resistance-associated genes, including nucleotide-binding leucine-rich
repeat (NB-LRRs), zinc finger and serine/threonine-protein
kinase genes (Roach //et al.//, 2016). Allelic diversity at the //FaRXf1// locus is unknown.
 +===== Pathogen: //Xanthomonas arboricola// pv. //fragariae// =====
 +==== Resistance gene: **none** ====
 +=== Synonyms ===
 +=== Source ===
 +=== Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) ===
 +=== Molecular markers ===
 +=== Brief description ===
 +===== References =====
 +Hartung JS, Gouin CC, Lewers KS, Maas JL, Hokanson S (2003). Identification of sources of resistance to bacterial angular leafspot disease of strawberry. Acta Hort. 626: 155-159. DOI: [[|10.17660/ActaHortic.2003.626.20]]
 +Maas JL, Gouin CC, Hokanson SC, Hartung JS (2002). Strawberry parent clones US 4808 and US 4809 resistant to bacterial angular leafspot disease caused by //Xanthomonas fragariae//. HortScience 37: 716-717. DOI: [[|10.21273/HORTSCI.37.4.716]]
 +Roach JA, Verma S, Peres NA, Jamieson AR, van de Weg WE, Bink MCAM, Bassil NV, Lee S, Whitaker VM (2016). //FaRXf1//: a locus conferring resistance to angular leaf spot caused by //Xanthomonas fragariae// in octoploid strawberry. Theor. Appl. Genet. 129: 1191-1201. DOI: [[|10.1007/s00122-016-2695-1]]
 +===== Acknowledgements =====
 +This fact sheet is based upon work from COST Action CA16107 EuroXanth, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
plant/strawberry.1582710193.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/09 10:20 (external edit)