====== The Type III Effector XopAT from //Xanthomonas// ====== Author: [[https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ralf-Koebnik|Ralf Koebnik]]\\ Internal reviewer:\\ Expert reviewer: **WANTED!** Class: XopAT\\ Family: XopAT\\ Prototype: XCR_1464a (//Xanthomonas campestris// pv. //raphani//; strain 756C)\\ GenBank ID: [[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/AEL06363.1|AEL06363.1 ]] (211 aa)\\ RefSeq ID: [[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/WP_148263049.1|WP_148263049.1]] (155 aa, probably too short)\\ 3D structure: Unknown ===== Biological function ===== === How discovered? === //xopAT// was predicted as a novel type 3 effector (T3E) gene because of four criteria (Bogdanove //et al.//, 2011): - The gene is encoded next to the //hrp// gene cluster. - The gene contains a plant-inducible promoter (PIP) box and a properly positioned 􏰃10 box-like sequence upstream of the coding sequence. - Like other T3E genes, //xopAT// has an unusual (low) G􏰅+C content suggestive of acquisition by horizontal gene transfer. - In common with other T3Es, the encoded protein contains eukaryotic motifs for myristoylation and palmitoylation. === (Experimental) evidence for being a T3E === === Regulation === === Phenotypes === === Localization === === Enzymatic function === === Interaction partners === ===== Conservation ===== === In xanthomonads === Yes (//X. arboricola//, //X. campestris//, //X. codiaei//, //X. cucurbitae//, //X. fragariae//, //X. hortorum//) === In other plant pathogens/symbionts === No ===== References ===== Bogdanove AJ, Koebnik R, Lu H, Furutani A, Angiuoli SV, Patil PB, Van Sluys MA, Ryan RP, Meyer DF, Han SW, Aparna G, Rajaram M, Delcher AL, Phillippy AM, Puiu D, Schatz MC, Shumway M, Sommer DD, Trapnell C, Benahmed F, Dimitrov G, Madupu R, Radune D, Sullivan S, Jha G, Ishihara H, Lee SW, Pandey A, Sharma V, Sriariyanun M, Szurek B, Vera-Cruz CM, Dorman KS, Ronald PC, Verdier V, Dow JM, Sonti RV, Tsuge S, Brendel VP, Rabinowicz PD, Leach JE, White FF, Salzberg SL (2011). Two new complete genome sequences offer insight into host and tissue specificity of plant pathogenic //Xanthomonas// spp. J. Bacteriol. 193: 5450-5464. DOI: [[https://doi.org/10.1128/JB.05262-11|10.1128/JB.05262-11]]