====== Plant Resistance Genes in Cassava (//Manihot esculenta// Crantz) against //Xanthomonas// Infection ====== Author: [[https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Roland_Koelliker|Roland Kölliker]]\\ Internal reviewer: [[https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Massimiliano_Morelli|Massimiliano Morelli]] ===== Pathogen: //Xanthomonas phaseoli// pv. //manihotis// (//Xpm//) ===== ==== Resistance gene: //meSWEET10a// ==== === Synonyms === cassava4.1_013474 (Sui //et al.//, 2017). === Source === Cassava cultivar TMS 60444 (Cohn //et al.//, 2014; Cohn //et al.//, 2016). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Sequenced (Cohn //et al.//, 2014). === Molecular markers === //NA// === Brief description === Interacts with Tal20Xam668 (Cohn //et al.//, 2014). ---- ==== Resistance gene: candidate genes interacting with TAL14 Xam668 ==== === Synonyms === //NA// === Source === Cassava cultivar TMS 60444 (Cohn //et al.//, 2016). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Identified (Cohn //et al.//, 2016). === Molecular markers === //NA// === Brief description === RNA sequencing was used to identify the full target repertoire of TAL14Xam668 in cassava, which includes over 50 genes. A subset of highly up-regulated genes was tested for activation by TAL14CIO151 from //Xpm// strain CIO151 (Cohn //et al.//, 2016). ---- ==== Resistance gene: //RXam1// ==== === Synonyms === PCR250; Xa21-like resistance gene (Diaz-Tatis //et al.//, 2018). === Source === Cassava cultivars MBra685 and MBra902 (Diaz-Tatis //et al.//, 2018). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Sequenced (Diaz-Tatis //et al.//, 2018). === Molecular markers === PCR250 (Jorge //et al.//, 2000). === Brief description === Overexpression of //RXam1// leads to a reduction in bacterial growth of //Xpm// CIO136. This suggests that //RXam1// might be implicated in strain-specific resistance to //Xpm// CIO136 (Diaz-Tatis //et al.//, 2018). ---- ==== Resistance gene: //Bs2// ==== === Synonyms === //NA// === Source === Pepper (Tai //et al.//, 1999; Diaz-Tatis //et al.//, 2019). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Sequenced (Diaz-Tatis //et al.//, 2019). === Molecular markers === //NA// === Brief description === Transgenic cassava plants that functionally express //Bs2// were regenerated. These results showed that overexpression of //Bs2// in a highly susceptible cultivar leads to reactive oxygen species production. However, the overexpression of //Bs2// neither leads to an HR in cassava nor reduces //Xpm// growth on //in vitro// plants (Diaz-Tatis //et al.//, 2019). ---- ==== Resistance gene: //MeBIK1// ==== === Synonyms === //NA// === Source === Cassava (Li //et al.//, 2017a). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Sequenced (Li //et al.//, 2017a). === Molecular markers === //NA// === Brief description === //Arabidopsis MeBIK1// overexpression lines //OX1// demonstrated a strong resistance to //Xpm// strain HN01 (Li //et al//., 2017a). ---- ==== Resistance gene: //MebZIP3//, //MebZIP5// ==== === Synonyms === //NA// === Source === Cassava cultivar South China 124 (Li //et al.//, 2017b). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Sequenced (Li //et al.//, 2017b). === Molecular markers === //NA// === Brief description === //MebZIP3// and //MebZIP5// conferred improved disease resistance against cassava bacterial blight, with more callose depositions (Li //et al.//, 2017b). ---- ==== Resistance gene: //MeDELLA// ==== === Synonyms === //NA// === Source === Cassava cultivas South China 124 (Li //et al.//, 2018). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Sequenced (Li //et al.//, 2018). === Molecular markers === //NA// === Brief description === Through overexpression in //Nicotiana benthamiana//, it was found that 4 //MeDELLAs// conferred improved disease resistance against cassava bacterial blight (Li //et al.//, 2018). ---- ==== Resistance gene: //MEPX1// ==== === Synonyms === //NA// === Source === Cassava cultivar MCOL22 (Pereira //et al.//, 2003). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Sequenced (Pereira //et al.//, 2003). === Molecular markers === //NA// === Brief description === Polymorphisms between cultivars generally reflected geographic origin, but there was also an association with resistance to CBB, indicating that MEPX1 could be a potentially useful marker for this trait (Pereira //et al.//, 2003). ---- ==== Resistance gene: QTL against Xam318 and Xam681 ==== === Synonyms === //NA// === Source === Cassava F1 mapping population, derived from a cross between cultivar TMS30572 and cultivar CM2177-2 (Fregene //et al.//, 1997). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Mapped (Soto //et al.//, 2017). === Molecular markers === Various defence related candidate genes (Soto //et al.//, 2017). === Brief description === Based on composite interval mapping analysis, five strain-specific QTLs for resistance to //Xpm// explaining between 15.8 and 22.1% of phenotypic variance were detected and localized on a high resolution SNP-based genetic map of cassava (Soto //et al.//, 2017). ---- ==== Resistance gene: //MeRAV1//, //MeRAV2// ==== === Synonyms === //NA// === Source === Cassava cultivar South China 124 (Wei //et al.//, 2018a). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Sequenced (Wei //et al.//, 2018a). === Molecular markers === //NA// === Brief description === Gene expression assays showed that the transcripts of //MeRAVs// were commonly regulated after //Xpm// challenge and MeRAVs were specifically located in plant cell nuclei. Through virus‐induced gene silencing (VIGS) in cassava, it was found that //MeRAV1// and //MeRAV2// are essential for plant disease resistance against cassava bacterial blight, as shown by the bacterial propagation of //Xpm// in plant leaves (Wei //et al.//, 2018a). ---- ==== Resistance gene: //MeHsf3// ==== === Synonyms === //NA// === Source === Cassava cultivar South China 124 (Wei //et al.//, 2018). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Sequenced (Wei //et al.//, 2018). === Molecular markers === //NA// === Brief description === Through transient expression in //Nicotiana benthamiana// leaves and virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) in cassava, the essential role of //MeHsf3// in plant disease resistance was identified (Wei //et al.//, 2018). ---- ==== Resistance gene: //MeWRKY20//, //MeATG8// ==== === Synonyms === //NA// === Source === Cassava cultivar South China 124 (Yan //et al.//, 2017). === Status (identified, mapped, cloned, sequenced) === Sequenced (Yan //et al.//, 2017). === Molecular markers === //NA// === Brief description === Taken together, MeWRKY20 and MeATG8a/8f/8h are essential for disease resistance against bacterial blight by forming various transcriptional modules and interacting complex in cassava (Yan //et al.//, 2017; Zeng //et al.//, 2018). ---- ===== References ===== Cohn M, Bart RS, Shybut M, Dahlbeck D, Gomez M, Morbitzer R, Hou BH, Frommer WB, Lahaye T, Staskawicz BJ (2014). //Xanthomonas axonopodis// virulence is promoted by a transcription activator-like effector–mediated induction of a SWEET sugar transporter in cassava. 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DOI: [[https://doi.org/10.1007/s11103-018-0733-x|10.1007/s11103-018-0733-x]] ---- ===== Acknowledgements ===== This fact sheet is based upon work from COST Action CA16107 EuroXanth, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).